Discovering Latin America and its Family Businesses
Image source: Rafael Guajardo
Latin America still remains relatively unknown to most people, a legacy of the years of military and authoritarian rule, hyper-inflation and...
Directors: Piloting The Force of A Family Business
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
Mustafa Hussain, a solicitor with Taylor Wessing's wealth group, UK, and author of "The Family Business Passport", discusses...
Family Business Ventures with Multinational Corporations
Any family business leader will confirm that ventures and alliances with multinationals are a complex matter. In addition and all likelihood, each and every...
SME Branding
Q&A with Helen and Matthew Ranson
Having a proper brand image in place is a strategic priorities for any company no matter its size or...
On The Board of a Family Business
Researchers and practitioners have established that family businesses are not exactly the same as non-family businesses. The differences lie mostly in the fact that...
The Sweet History of the Al Bohsali Family
The story of the Al Bohsali family business started 200 years ago in a small shop in Beirut, Lebanon. From its very beginnings the...
Success on a Family Business Board
Image source: Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels
Q&A with Marylise Abou Haidar Sinno
When did you join the family business board and what is your current role?
Understanding Family Business Innovation
Innovation is recommended by many but only truly executed by few. In order to understand how family businesses can become successful innovators, it is...
From Family Enterprise to Enterprising Family
When a family-enterprise seeks to diversify its risk and grow its activities, many different paths may lead to a successful outcome. Typically, mergers and...
Independent Directors – Key to Boardroom Innovation
Independent directors play an important role in helping family business boards transform into high performance boards. Indeed, one of the key benefits independent directors...