Family Business IPO

Family Business IPO


Family Business Profile: Mouawad – A History of Brilliance

The impressive phenomenon of successful successions from fathers to sons for over 120 years cannot go unnoticed in the world of family business. With...

The Aftermath of an IPO – What Families in Business Ought to Know Before...

As financial markets gradually regain confidence after the recent financial crisis, talk of IPOs is once again gaining currency in business circles. This is...

Family Business2FamilyBusiness Case Study: Born Entrepreneur

Image Source: Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels In this issue’s FamilyBusiness2FamilyBusiness case, HbN, innovative leader and 3rd generation member of a family business active in shipping,...

Global Family Business Trends – The PwC Family Business Survey

Many things have changed in the last couple of years; however, the fact that family businesses are predominant in numbers as well as economic...

Majlis – The Heart of Middle East Family Businesses

 Adorned with an abundance of cushions and carpets, smelling of coffee and oud, the majlis constitutes an integral part of the lives of Middle...

IPO Communication – Getting the Story Right

No other financing method requires as radical a change from a company as an Initial Public Offering (IPO). By going public, a company voluntarily...

Family Business Interview with His Excellency Mohammed Al Zubair, Zubair Corporation

His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Al Zubair bin Ali, Adviser for Economic Planning Affairs to His Majesty the Sultan of Oman, has been an icon...

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