Managing Family and Non-family Employees
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A dialogue between Amy Schuman and Dr. Stephen McClure
What happens when you put two family business experts into one room? We have tested it with family business consultants and authors...
Family Business Expertise in Agriculture – Alkhorayef Group
Image Source; Pixabay via Pexels
Interview with Alkhorayef Group
With over half a century of business history, the Al Khorayef Group is one of Saudi Arabia's most reputable family conglomerates. Established by late Sheikh Abdullah Ibrahim...
FamilyBusiness2FamilyBusiness Case Study: Many years ago in Egypt…
Image source: Pixabay via Pexels
In the early 1940's MS immigrated from the South of Egypt with his wife and three children to begin his first workshop in a narrow street in old Cairo. He...
Family Business in Stone Carving – Family History Written in Stone
The city of Dar Châabane, in Nabeul, Tunisia, is the home of traditional craftsmanship; it is best-known, however, for its experts in the art of stone carving. Sayadi Pioneer Stone Carving is a family...
How to be a Good Family Business Owner – Maldonado Family, Venezuela
In 1911, Samuel Dario Maldonado, bought a large ranch of about 100,000 hectares called Hato El Frio in Venezuela. In 1948, Samuel's son Ivan Dario used his father's legacy and founded CA Invega, a...
Financial Governance for Family Businesses
A comprehensive system of financial governance is an essential tool for family businesses to efficiently manage their wealth. It can be seen as one of the binding elements between the family governance and the...
Succession Deconstructed
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Managing succession is one of the greatest challenges businesses face. By realising that it is a topic where the subjective perception trumps objectivity, and by accepting that there is no...
The Evolution of Human Capital Over Time
In the past human resources managers and human capital strategies used to be seen as part of the administrative side of an organisation. Today, however, that perspective has shifted dramatically and it is supported...
Human Capital in Family Firms: Challenges and Opportunities
Human capital, broadly defined as knowledge, abilities and skills that reside within a company and / or a business family, is one of the key success factors in long-living family firms. However, the family...
Family Business in Interior Decoration – The Story of the Fathallah Family, Chararib
The Chararib business traces its beginnings back to 1908, when the Fathallah family started operations in a small trimmings factory located on Maarad street, in the heart of Beirut. From one generation to another,...
How A Focus on Sustainability is an Investment in Value Creation
Sustainability could be considered to be the alignment of the business within the market and environment in which it operates to maintain strategic flexibility and increase business longevity. This article by Edward Nicholson, Managing...
HR Systems in the Family Business
The Nuqul Group is one of the largest family-owned company in Jordan and the Middle East and has just celebrated its 60th anniversary. A business family is often mentioned in relation to its external...