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What does the Way Forward Look Like? A 9-point Program for the Survival of Family Businesses


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Partner Content by Markus Weishaupt

In times like these — defined only by a spectrum of uncertainty across our social, economic, ecological and political realities — many family businesses are asking themselves difficult questions about the future. At the end of the day, however, all these questions are fundamentally one; they all want to know, “What does the way forward look like?”.

And when they are asked about their ultimate goal, their answers can be reduced to one of two base aspirations.

Firstly, family businesses want to create the best possible customer benefit, because they know that companies have only one purpose, and that is to satisfy their customers. Sometimes, when companies grow older, they lose touch with this objective. They forget the only justification for their existence: the valuable services and products they provide to their customers. Companies who lose sight of this fundamental truth might find themselves in serious trouble because of it.

Secondly, family businesses want simply to survive. Some would argue that survival is a low-set goal — that companies should strive for more. Wealth, social recognition, size and profit might be attractive to some but rarely do long-lasting family companies cite them as motivating factors.

Surviving from generation to generation is quite enough, especially in light of the fact that 95 per cent of family businesses fail to make it to the 5th generation. Only about 65 per cent enter the second, 35 per cent the third and 15 per cent the fourth generation. Family Businesses are subject to an exceptionally high mortality rate — high enough that survival is an ambitious goal.

Improve the Odds

“Increased survivability” can confidently be defined as the overall strategic goal of healthy family businesses. And because in every family business no matter the scale, there are two systems at work — family and business — forward-looking action must be taken on both fronts. At the same time, the two systems must always align to achieve the all-important balance between them, the result of which is success and increased survivability.

Chart a Course for Increased Survivability

Over the last few decades of working with entrepreneurial families, we’ve been able to observe, collect and grow a series of findings to support the harmony and increased survivability of family businesses.

The findings concern both systems — the family system and the business system — as well as the interfaces between the two.

The variety of suggestions range from inspiring personal attitudes of family members, who know, for example, that a good succession process is the responsibility of everybody involved and needs to be subjectively fair and objectively not unfair.

Moreover, successful business families do not speculate with risky opportunities, reflect thoroughly before a decision is made, believe in the power of corporate and family culture and in the value of loyalty as a cornerstone of intergenerational sustainability.

Entrepreneurial frugality is both a lifestyle and a decision-making style, which in time leads to the comfortable position of wealth and financial strength, driven by outstanding entrepreneurial ability, knowledge and competence.

To survive in the frenetic world of modern business requires pausing when everybody else is running — reflecting when others are acting. To determine the what, why and how, when others do without really knowing. Survivors don’t let themselves become overwhelmed by the pace of time, but do not oversleep the exponentiality of current developments; they act in a measured way.

Finally, survival without a good portion of luck is impossible, but luck is not a survival strategy of a successful entrepreneurial life, and even if the brave and diligent deserve luck, they don’t always get it. That’s luck: not prescriptible, unpredictable and not to be counted upon.

What then, can family company leaders and managers do to ensure survival? Be curious and hold firm in the belief that things can be done differently or better. Find guidance in a discussion with peers, in a good book, in the 9-point program for survival below or in a platform like the Family Business Model Tool. To define and set a course for the future is the constant vocation of those family business leaders who honour their family’s legacy.

The 9-point Program for the Survival of Family Businesses

1. Individual Renunciation by Family Members

2. Entrepreneurial Frugality

3. A Measured Approach

4. Substance

5. Fitness

6. Attitude of Mind

7. Momentum

8. Loyalty

9. Luck

Do you want to check your Family Business Model? Register and get access to the Family Business Model Tool. Answer 100 questions associated with 10 DNA strands and get your 16-page report. Identify areas of intervention and start your journey towards the business model of the best family companies. 


Image Courtesy of Markus Weishaupt

Prof. (FH) Dott. Markus Weishaupt is a family business expert, Partner and CEO of Weissman & Cie. Italia. He accompanies family businesses as well as entrepreneurial families in their cultural, strategic, organisational and leadership challenges in his role as an international consultant and as a member of family and company boards. He is Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein (Tirol-Austria), author and speaker on issues concerning the world of family businesses.

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